Spring Cleaning
With the start of a new year and a new month, a much needed Spring cleaning is needed in so many aspects of my life.I have started by leaving behind, deleting and getting rid of all the negative people in my life. These people just use your postive energy and drain you thus making you feel depressed. My new Spring clean has been with my body and eatings habits in 5 weeks I am already seeing the results and loving the new me.
It is very essential to do this type of Spring Clean in our lives from time to time as we carry these extra dead weights around.Thus allowing new opportunities into our life. So here are some tips for this Spring Clean :
1) Delete any contacts off BBM who have not spoken to you in the last three weeks.
2) Giveaway any clothing you have not worn in over 2 months.
3) Throw away any half used bottles of make up.
4) Recycle magazines give them to a school.
5) Spend time focusing on you and your needs.
6) Eat healthy.
7) Laugh more
These are just some of the things I personally have done in my Spring Clean or Life Laundry as some may call it…..So go on dont wait start your Spring Clean…..ciao