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Que Pasa May ?

Pinch ,punch it is the first of another beautiful month. It seems like April literally flew by. But I guess it is true what they say time flies when you are having fun and May literally just appeared.
April was a rather busy month with loads happening. And that is besides the fact that it was my Birthday Month.The SpiceGoddess had two newspaper features one in a local and the other a national paper.I was rather excited for these features and did feel like a mini celebrity.
SpiceGoddess South Coast Sun
April also saw me been announced as a Brand Ambassador for Curvy Girl Chronicles. This USA brand is focusing on creating Body Positivity for women.
Added to the excitement of April, my uncle and aunt the UK came to visit on a whirlwind holiday in Durban. It was fantastic having family over especially after way too many years. Lots of great days out happened including the Jeera Indian High Tea, Mangwanani pampering and overnight stays at the Suncoast Towers Penthouse.
Then it was my birthday. You can read all about it here
So yes April was pretty busy !
Que Pasa ? is Spanish for “Whats happening?” This is pretty appropriate especially after such a fun-filled month of April. It seems as if I am kind of teasing May into showing me what secrets she has….
Dearest May
Welcome oh pretty one ! Finally your welcome has brought with you some lovely cool weather in Durban. I love the fact that you started off your month with a long weekend in sight and this meant time for a family day out with  my big fat Indian family.
So as you can see April was jam-packed with lots of everything. Your sisters this year have being so amazing to me each month bringing me their own special magic and surprises. I look forward to what you have in store for me. This year is defo got an amazing feeling to it and I am going to let the Universe know my intentions.
Oddly enough my two intentions came up yesterday during our family day out.So yes the Universe does know. I also took some advise about becoming creative about my intentions fingers crossed dearest May.
This month I plan on some me time so that I can revisit my intentions from January .I plan to regroup and get on task.
So May with a wink and a cheeky smile I ask you “Que Pasa?” and await the magic to begin.
Was April kind to you ? Did you do anything exciting?
Be Inspired !
Spicegoddess Signature-1

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