My Prince Charming……
When I was 5, I recieved my Frog teddy from dad. I fell in love with this teddy and soon he became my companion every night to the land of nod. Over the years Frog had to undergo some reconstructive surgery from mum as his stuffing was coming out but once fixed he was all brand new.
My brother often teased me, of my love affair with Frog. He said I thought that one morning, I would wake up and find my Frog has changed into Prince Charming. We all laughed at his theory but maybe in my childhood mine, I believed this fairytale.
Frogs are often depicted as ugly but with magical powers in many different cultures and myths. In European folklore frogs are depicted as sinister and associated with witches and potions.
So 30 years later, Frog is still alive, I no longer have him as my sleep companion and I am still single awaiting my Prince Charming. Hopefully the spell will be broken and I will meet him soon……