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Au revoir Love Month…

love month
Well second month of 2014 with fewer days you proved to be rather interesting. It was the month I changed the type of posts I wrote, taking on a more personal approach. I shared a very personal post in Love Actually and Comfortzone).
The last few weeks have been totally busy working on #DbnBloggerMeet with my amazing team of Nicola and Michelle.
This month also held the launch of the @IluvDBN media launch of #welovedurban campaign and included in this month was us nursing Gran and Zara back to health.
As I write this post today I feel :

  1. In a good place in my life .
  2. Happy.
  3. Excited about new projects.
  4. At peace with my soul.
  5. Loved by my amazing friends who have stood by me during this rollercoaster month and never left my hand.

Thank you Love Month for your life lessons and amazing opportunities.I look forward to Marvelous March and all the wonderment it holds.
Ciao xxx.
How has love month treated you ?

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