Reason or Season?
Over the years life has taught me many lessons but one of the most valuable was about friendship. I have on my life journey met some really amazing friends but in reality and on social media networks.
The lesson I have learnt is that not all friendships are meant to last forever till I am old and grey. Some of these friendships believe or not have expirey dates and we should try and keep those that have expired.
People come into our lives for a reason or a season and once the lesson has been learnt they leave,but us as humans try and hold onto the person and ask questions and beg for that friendship.Over time I have learnt these lessons wisely and now if these friends decide it time to go I thank them for helping me on my journey with valuable lessons and say ciao.
But on the flipside some of the most amazing humans ever have enriched my life , held my hand and stayed through every storm and rainbow.
The lesson is learning to let go if its past its expirey date……