The post that should have been written yesterday…
For the last two weeks everytime I saw an advert for Father’s Day I cringed. All day yesterday I saw links to blogs on Father’s Day, I read those posts, I cried BUT most of all I remembered a great man who still walks besides me holding my hand.
They say “Every girl’s first love is her Dad” and yes its true. My father provided my brother and I with what now feels like a lifetime of memories and experiences. Every day there are reminders of Dad in our home. Our house feels empty without Dad. But we were very blessed to have you in our lives for so many years.
Happy Father’s Day Dad, Thank you for all that you have done for both Nico and I. We miss you everyday, every family gathering without you is painful. I know you are no longer in pain and suffering. The words Thank you seem so small you have been and done for us.
Love, Hugs & Kisses Always