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Lessons Learnt …..from Phone dramas

Those of you who follow me on Twitter know that I have been having endless dramas with my current handset.Its been away more times than this year than I have had a working phone.Not having a phone that is smartphone is rather difficult for a person like me who is always online.I had to use my tablet in the morning before work to check mail, tweet and upload to instagram and in the evening after work thus limiting my online activity this left me feeling kinda out of the loop.
But I have learnt several lessons from having a basic phone:
1)I can limit my online activity.
2)People who care about me will make an effort to keep in touch.
3)I can do so much other stuff in the time I spend online.
4)I spent more time reading.
5)A lot of people who I thought cared about me showed me they didn’t even notice my disappearance from online.
6)I can detox from Social Media and its not the end of the world.
7)I slept without waking up during the night to check my messages.
So after my detox from my phone dramas I got given a new handset but lost all my numbers.I know have a small phone book and am slowly building up daily my contact list.I firmly  believe that everything in Life does happen for a reason so maybe my phone dramas is one of them lessons.
Be Inspired !

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