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2016 The year that was….

2016 The year that was….

In just a few days 2016 will be over and we will be welcoming 2017. Boy oh boy ! Time literally flew by this year. But then again the famous line ” Time flies when you are having fun.” is very true.

2016 The year that was

Last year I wrote a round-up post 15 of 2015 which I loved sharing my highlights of the year. But this year I am inspired by Nafisa from so I will be using her list of prompts to give you a snap shot of my year.
Every year brings with it a mix bag of chocolates some delicious ,some yucky and some that are ok. 2016 was exactly that a year of mixed chocolates but there seemed to be more delicious than yucky. From staying in amazing hotels , to eating delicious food and meeting some beautiful souls 2016 was defo more delicious.
1.What did you do in 2016 that you never did before ?
Travelled with strangers to a different country on a 15 day roadtrip.I flew in a helicopter for the first time , I was nervous but it was amazing.

I am rather self conscious so getting in front of the camera is huge for me but I did a photo shoot with Miglio Jewellery

2. Did you keep your New Years Resolutions and will you make more ?

I don’t like word resolutions I prefer goals.I started keeping monthly goals they are so much easier to attain. I will be making more and will be continuing with this years theme of #SelfCare.

3. How will you be spending New Year’s Eve?

As a family we stay home on NYE as my Dad passed away on New Years morning so this time of year is rather difficult for all of us. We all seem to retreat into our own shells and for me I tend to spend the night reading.

4. Did anyone close to you die? 


5. What countries did you visit?

Kerala and a lot of local travel within South Africa. From weekends away , to roadtrips and staycations I enjoyed being a local tourist. In total I flew on 14 flights.

6. What would you like to have in 2017 that you lacked in 2016?

I defo need to be more organised and spend my time wisely. On the health front I need to pay more attention to my health and make more time for me. More working relationships with different brands and more opportunities to travel.

7. What date from 2016 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?What was your biggest achievement of the year?

The City July Feature Durban Bloggers 2p16

There were several achievements in 2016 which included :

a) Features in local newspapers and a glossy magazine.

b) Been chosen by Kerala Tourism to join 29 Travel Bloggers from around the world for a 15 day Road Trip.


c) Been named as one of the Top 24 Favourite Women in Social Media by Media 24 was such am honour especially alongside so many celebs.

SpiceGoddess in the Paper2p16 SpiceGoddess Newspaper

9. What was your biggest failure?

Not completing my Media Kit.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?

Yes , I had to undergo surgery as I had an abscess in my eye.It was a day procedure and I did feel like a pirate with my eye patch on.

11. What was the best thing you bought?

A white lace dress not something I would normally buy or wear.And Technology wise I bought another battery charger from Red E RC25-white

SpiceGoddess / Foschini #wesaluteyou 6

12. Where did most of your money go?

On travelling.

13. What song will always remind you of 2016?

There are several so here is my 2016 playlist :

  1. Chainsmokers – Closer
  2. Justin Bieber – His entire new album
  3. Vidya Vox – She does cover versions of Western and Bollywood tracks.
  4. Major Lazer and DJ Snake – Lean On
  5. The Soundtrack of Ai Dil  Muskhiel – Channa Meraya
  6. Avicii – Wake me up
  7. Coldplay – Hymm for the weekend
  8.  Labrinth -Jealous
  9. I can’t feel my face. Weekend

14.What do you wish you’d done more of?

Travelling and spent time on my media kit and more time reading. I discovered rather late in this year my love for photography so I wish I had discovered this earlier.

Some of my IG pics of 2016

Some of my IG pics of 2016

15. What do you wish you’d done less of?

Cut down on some online time.

16. What was your favourite TV program?

A huge fan of cookery shows so most things from BBC.

17. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?

18. What was the best book you read?

A re-read of Me Before You Review of: Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

19. What was your greatest musical discovery?

Falling in love with Bollywood soundtracks.

20. What was your favourite film of this year?

Here goes my list :

a) Bridget Jones Baby

b) Ai dil Muskiel

c) Miss you already

d) Sisters

e) How to be Single ?

21. What did you do on your birthday?
I had a different kind of birthday. I started birthday celebrations the day before with a full day Mangwanani Day Spa with my Mum and my Uncle and Aunt from London. Having never spent a full day Spa experience and loved the pampering and I found this way was a great way to welcome another year in the life of me. On the day of my birthday I headed off to a Cow Goshala to feed the cows.

#SpiceGoddessBirthday - Cow Goshala

22. What kept you sane?
My #Tribe and my mum kept me going through good days ,bad days and deadlines.

23. Who did you miss?
Miss my Dad always.

24. Who was the best new person you met?

2016 was a busy year and I got to meet so many amazing people. From my 29 friends on Kerala Blog Express , to local bloggers I admire to forming new working relations with brands. I met so many people in 2016 and each of them have left me with nuggets of wisdom and great memories.

#KeralaBlogExpress Girls

25. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2016:

The lesson of travelling light. Both physically and mentally as life is too short for Excess Baggage.

Dearest 2016 ,

Thank you for such an amazing year of self growth and experiences.I look back in awe of the year that was with so much of gratitude. I look forward to what 2017 will bring and I know it with be nothing short of spectacular ,2017 you have big boots to fill as your sister 2016 was just too wonderful.

Wishing all my readers a wonderful New Year ahead filled with amazing experiences and all sorts of magic. See you in 2017.

Be Inspired !


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