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Be YOU #TuesdayTruth

beauty quote
Last week I plucked up a  ton of courage and shared with my readers and literally the world a post on #PlusSizeMe decides to #ChooseBeautiful.I was overwhelmed with all the words of encouragement I recieved to be honest I didnt expect that.So when planning for this week’s post and I found this quote it all seemed to fit.My moment was when I sat down wrote that blog post and pressed published.I have fallen in love with me and its true you have to love yourself before others can love you.My IG posts are evidence of my love for me check it out IG verushka143.
The media strongly influences how we should look , what we should wear and what we should eat.And all us women are guilty of falling into this trap and are always on the next quest to find the best crash diet or a potion that promises fair skin and eternal youth.Every magazine you open is filled with these products and images of celebrities looking amazingly stunning but what we do forget is that there is a thing called airbrushing and photoshop that works wonders.Also if I had a personal stylist and makeup artist dressing me up every day I too would be so glam.
A dear friend of mine who is in the fashion industry responded to my blog post by saying the following “Nothing replaces being your authentic self!You are created in the image of God and he says your are his masterpiece”All these kind of fitted together and just made sense.Thank you friend for celebrating my freedom and the moment , your words encourage me and give me the courage to #ChooseBeautiful everyday I wake up.
So today I urge everyone who reads this post to #ChooseBeautiful be yourself and celebrate that you are amazing.
Be Inspired!

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