Modern Communication
So I found myself at the airport yesterday with only 1 battery charged which should have been enough till I got home. But alas delayed flights and dramas at the airport didnt help my battery life situation.
Thankfully for me I had my fully charged Samsung Tablet which not only provided me with internet access but occupied me with books to read and games to play . Then i realised how would i be able to tell my brother where to pick me up on arrival so hence genuis me decided the best would be to email him as he has a Blackberry .
So on finally arriving at Durban , i proceeded to the Taxi drop off zone whipped out my Tablet and emailed brother dearest where to pick meup from. I did get a few strange looks as my tablet has a keyboard . I did notice a few people kinda peep over my shoulder to see what i had and what I was doing.
Modern Communication , I love thee with my body , mind and soul . You keep me calm , offer solutions , cure my boredoms, make me smile. For all these reasons and many more I love thee with all I have.
Have a gorgeous week all my darlings………………………