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I am so totally in love with Vanilla:-) From Vanilla tea to vanilla perfume to vanilla cupcakes this flavour or scent is my addiction.To me vanilla reminds me of home baking and is very comforting,  guess thats the foodie within me speaking.
Vanilla is the second most expensive spice in the world,  after Saffron as they are labour intensive to grow.It is a flavouring derived from an Orchid.  Vanilla comes from the Spanish word Vaina meaning sheath or pod. Its not a very attractive looking spice but has a divine aroma, and those amazing blacks specks of vanila in a dessert are divine.
Until the mid 19th century,  Mexico was the chief producer of Vanilla.In 1918,  the French took this spice to Reunion Islands and Mauritius from here it was sent to Madagascar. Madagascar now accounts for a vast amount of the Vanilla grown globally.
Vanilla ice cream is the largest use of vanilla in the industry and is a very popular ice cream flavour.
I find the sweet scent of Vanilla comforting and intoxicating. …………
Whats your flavour?

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