Cut off from the world……. Technology Detox
All those who know me know I am obsessed with technology in all forms and on all platforms. From Twitter to Facebook to BBM….
So on Friday I got to work only to find my Blackberry frozen , I been a techno gadgety girl decided to fix it but alas the phone would not come on at all. Such horror for me cut off from the world..Luckily for me I had my Samsung Tablet on me as I was stuck at work with everyone gone and no way of getting in touch with my brother .Then the genius in me decided to email him and my friend M who rescued me by calling my mum.
Even my 2 fully charged batteries didnt help me this time. So since Friday I have been without a phone and connection to my Techno world. Went into the Service provider yesterday only to find out that my phone needed a software upgrade but alas the guy who normally does it was away till Monday.But while there I found out valuable info on BB BIS and how it would affect me as well as that I am due for an upgrade next month yipeee.
I must admit I feel very out of the loop not constantly been in the loop but its a kind of Techno detox. Last night I was able to catch up watching several series and even got to watch a documentary which was fab.So maybe I needed this Detox….. However mum has given me an old Nokia phone with very limiting features just sms and calling actually feels strange and weird having this phone.
Hopefully tomorow I will have my phone and be in the loop again… To all my fellow bloggers and tweeting community I have missed you guys.. Hope you missed me too…..