Namaste ….October 2015
And just like that we are heading into a new month and just 3 months remain of 2015.I sometimes think wait wasnt it just 2014.But I guess it is true what they say ” Time flies when you are having fun!”
2015 in general has been a super busy year in so many ways.From weddings to events to parties to funerals it has all happened.It has also been a year of growth for me as a human.A year I started to focus more on me and my goals and the fact that I am important.
My greatest lessons learnt last month were :
1)Challenge myself to do new things and commit to them.I focused on my blogging and making time for me.
2)Surrounding myself with cheerleaders.We all need cheerleaders who will hold our hands when we are afraid, wipe away tears, give you tough love , come bearing gifts of chocolates and most importantly hold and your dreams carefully in their hands.I have been very blessed to have so many cheerleaders rooting for me .Thank you guys and dolls for Everything !
3)Gratitude a word we take  for granted but am important word that makes a huge difference.Each day I thank the Universe for all my blessings and say how grateful I am for all blessings and lessons past , present and future.
So September was pretty awesome ….Bring on October 2015….
Dearest October
Your 9 sisters have been nothing short of amazing in making 2015 a very special year.I have faith that you to will follow in their footsteps.October you have big shoes to fill.However I am going to make you AWESOME.I am going to fill you with new adventures and memories.
Namaste October 2015 and welcome to my world.
Did you learn any lessons in September ?
Be Inspired !