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My lil claim to fame

Those of you who follow me on Twitter , know I tweet a lot.I often respond to questions brands tweet as well as tweet pics of things in my world.A few weeks ago Marie Claire tweeted a question “Are you scared of being seen without makeup on ?”
This was a interesting question as some don’t leave the house with their faces done up.Me on the other hand I do leave home with a naked face from time to time as I belive its good to leave your skin natural.The week before I attended the #WithMyGirls event and as part of the workshops we had to remove all our makeup and take a #nomakeupselfie.I was however not too sure about this as I was at an event BUT did it anyone and I was even brave to take a pic.I was so surprised how great I looked and was proud to share my pic with the world
So after answering the Marie Claire question I posted my pic on Twitter.Never thought about it again till another blogger shared the link of the website which included my pic.I was shocked and surprised.
Here’s the link …
Have a look let me know your thoughts ???
Friday its here have a fabulous weekend 🙂

About The Author

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